About Our Practice


Arizona Center for Chronic Pelvic Pain

Arizona Center for Chronic Pelvic Pain (AZCCPP) is a comprehensive center for treatment chronic pelvic pain and women and men with this condition.

AZCCPP was originally established in 2005 by Dr. Michael Hibner at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Phoenix. Over the years it became one of the most renowned centers for treatment of severe endometriosis, pudendal neuralgia and pain caused by pelvic mesh. Other frequently seen conditions were adhesions, ovarian remnant syndrome, pelvic congestion syndrome and spastic pelvic floor syndrome.

Many new surgical techniques were pioneered at AZCCPP including significantly modified transgluteal pudendal neurolysis (decompression of the pudendal nerve), selective pelvic vein ligation for pelvic congestion syndrome, removal of mesh from the groin and pudendal nerve.

Since 2005 AZCCPP has been helping patients from all around the world for chronic pelvic pain with many of them previously been seen by other physicians prior to travelling to Phoenix.

In May of 2020, the founder of AZCCPP, Dr. Michael Hibner left St. Joseph’s Hospital and in September 2020 a new Arizona Center for Chronic Pelvic Pain opened in Scottsdale, Arizona.

We treat both women and men for numerous conditions causing pelvic pain.

In women we take care of patients with:

  • severe endometriosis
  • interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome
  • pudendal neuralgia and neve entrapment
  • other pelvic neuralgias
  • spastic pelvic floor syndrome
  • pain caused by pelvic mesh
  • pelvic and abdominal adhesions
  • ovarian remnant
  • pelvic congestion syndrome

In many women the pain may have begun with the first menstrual period, but in some it is a result of pregnancy, vaginal delivery, previous surgery or trauma.

We also see men with pudendal neuralgia and pudendal nerve entrapment.

We offer comprehensive treatment for those conditions including non-surgical and surgical alternatives; however, we do not prescibe medication pain management in our practice.

We also see patients for surgical management of non-pain conditions such as uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, abnormal uterine bleeding and vaginal agenesis.

Pelvic pain is one of the most common yet most complicated conditions affecting significant number of women. Unfortunately, majority of obstetricians/gynecologists, urologists, orthopedic surgeon, neurosurgeons or physical rehabilitation physicians are not trained to treat patients with pelvic pain. So if you suffer from this condition, please see a physician and practice which specializes in chronic pelvic pain.

We welcome all the existing and new patients to the new Arizona Center for Chronic Pelvic Pain. We are located in beautiful Scottsdale, Arizona on the campus of Honor Health Shea Medical Center.

, Pelvic Pain Experts, AZCCPP
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